홈으로 > Culture and Tourism > Cultural and Historical Sites > Hoisajeong




Hoisajeong is located near to Earthenware Culture Center is Seojeong Village, Seogurim-ri. This gazebo was built by Park, Seong Oh, Cho, Haeng Rip, Hyeon, Geon and others in 1646 as a meeting place of Gurim Daedonggye and, later, used as a place for lectures, guest welcoming and events for celebration days.

In April, 1919, the Anti-Japanese Demonstration was started under the leadership of Park, Gyu Sang at this location as well. Gurim Daedonggye was established in 1565 and still continued to be the representative Donggye (洞契) of Honam and Hoisajeong is the Dongye's iconic building.

The record of Daedonggye from the past is well preserved in Gangsudang (講修堂) and rules of Dongheon from 1609 to 1747 are well preserved as well. These materials are precious for showing the live of rural society in Honam region during Late Jeon Dynasty.

The original gazebo was completely burned in the Korean War leaving only headstones. The current architecture is re-established in 1986 in the composition of the floor type with 3 rooms at the front and two rooms at the side under the Paljak roof. Hamaseok, the place where horses were tied after arrival is located the left side of "Hoisajeongsi" and "Hoisajeong 10 Gyeong". And the stone used to tie and whip to give lessons to persons who disorderly behaved against the village's custom and faile to care their parents is standing at right in front of Hoisajeong.